
7+ タコ 釣り ロッド 船 Article

明石の船タコ釣り!! 釣り具のトリセツ
明石の船タコ釣り!! 釣り具のトリセツ from turisetu.jp

Takoyaki Fishing in Japan

Japan is famous for its delicious takoyaki dish, which is made of small pieces of octopus wrapped in a ball of batter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan. But did you know that you can catch the main ingredient for takoyaki, octopus, by fishing with your boat rod? Takoyaki fishing is a popular activity in Japan, especially in the coastal areas where octopus is abundant.

Choosing the Right Boat Rod for Takoyaki Fishing

The first step in takoyaki fishing is to choose the right boat rod. You need a rod that is strong enough to handle the weight of the octopus and can withstand the rough conditions of the sea. A medium to heavy action boat rod with a length of around 6 to 7 feet is ideal for takoyaki fishing.

Using the Right Bait and Lures

Octopus is attracted to shiny and colorful objects, so using a lure with a bright color or a jig with a shiny finish can increase your chances of catching octopus. You can also use live bait such as small fish or shrimp to attract octopus to your fishing area.

Fishing Techniques for Takoyaki Fishing

One of the most effective techniques for takoyaki fishing is drifting. Drifting involves casting your line and letting the boat drift with the current. This allows you to cover a larger area and increase your chances of catching octopus. Another technique is slow jigging, which involves using a jig to mimic the movements of a small fish or shrimp.

Handling and Cleaning Your Catch

Once you have caught an octopus, it is important to handle it carefully to avoid getting bitten by its beak. Use a pair of gloves and a net to safely remove the octopus from the hook. To clean the octopus, remove the head and innards and rinse the body thoroughly. The octopus can then be cut into small pieces for takoyaki or other dishes.

Takoyaki Fishing Etiquette

When fishing for octopus, it is important to follow certain etiquette rules to ensure a sustainable and respectful fishing experience. Always use a net to catch the octopus instead of pulling it out of the water with your hands. Avoid catching undersized or juvenile octopus to allow them to grow and reproduce. And always clean up after yourself and dispose of any waste properly.

Takoyaki Fishing as a Fun and Delicious Activity

Takoyaki fishing is not only a fun and exciting activity, but it also allows you to catch your own fresh octopus for a delicious homemade takoyaki dish. With the right equipment, bait, and techniques, you can increase your chances of a successful takoyaki fishing trip and enjoy a unique Japanese experience.


If you're looking for a new fishing adventure, why not try takoyaki fishing with your boat rod? With these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of catching octopus and enjoy a fun and delicious activity with friends and family.

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