ザリガニ釣りのやり方・コツを徹底解説!おすすめの時期・釣り餌・スポットもご紹介 釣りラボマガジン from tsuri-labo.jp
Fishing for ザリガニ (crayfish) has gained popularity in recent years as a fun and unique way to spend time outdoors. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced angler, catching crayfish can be a challenging and rewarding experience. In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about catching crayfish in 2023.
The Best Time to Catch Crayfish
Crayfish can be caught year-round, but the best time to catch them is during the summer months. They are most active during warm weather and are usually found in shallow streams, rivers, and ponds. Early morning and late afternoon are the best times to catch crayfish as they are more active during these times.
The Right Equipment
To catch crayfish, you will need a few basic pieces of equipment. A fishing rod and reel are not necessary, but a net and a bait trap are essential. A bait trap is a small wire cage with a bait compartment that is used to attract crayfish. You can also use a long stick or a piece of string to catch them by hand.
Choosing the Right Bait
Crayfish are scavengers and will eat almost anything, including dead fish, worms, and even hot dogs. However, the most effective bait for catching crayfish is fresh meat, such as chicken or fish. You can also use canned cat food or dog food as bait.
Setting Up Your Bait Trap
To set up your bait trap, tie a piece of string to the top of the trap and attach a weight to the other end. Place the bait in the bait compartment and lower the trap into the water. Crayfish are attracted to the bait and will crawl into the trap. Check the trap every 10-15 minutes and remove any crayfish you catch.
Catching Crayfish by Hand
If you prefer to catch crayfish by hand, you will need a long stick or a piece of string with a piece of meat tied to the end. Slowly lower the bait into the water and wait for the crayfish to grab onto it. Once a crayfish has grabbed onto the bait, slowly lift the stick or string out of the water, and the crayfish will come with it.
Handling and Releasing Crayfish
When handling crayfish, it is essential to be gentle to avoid injuring them. Hold them by the sides of their shells and avoid touching their claws. If you are catching crayfish for food, you can keep them in a bucket of water until you are ready to cook them. If you are catching them for fun, be sure to release them back into the water unharmed.
Safety Tips
When fishing for crayfish, it is crucial to take safety precautions. Wear protective gloves and shoes to avoid getting pinched by their claws. Also, be aware of the water conditions and avoid fishing in areas with fast-moving water or deep pools.
Catching crayfish is a fun and exciting activity that can be enjoyed by anglers of all levels. With the right equipment, bait, and techniques, you can catch crayfish in streams, rivers, and ponds throughout the summer months. Always remember to handle them with care and release them back into the water unharmed. Happy fishing!
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