
10+ 釣り 初期 費用 Article

初めての釣りはこれで決まり!!気分別おすすめの釣り方・魚種 釣り道中
初めての釣りはこれで決まり!!気分別おすすめの釣り方・魚種 釣り道中 from tsurido-chu.com


Fishing is a popular hobby and pastime enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It is not only a great way to relax and unwind, but it also provides a unique opportunity to connect with nature and catch your own food. However, before you can start fishing, you need to consider the initial costs involved. In this article, we will explore the various costs that come with starting a fishing hobby in 2023.

Cost of Equipment

One of the most significant costs associated with fishing is the equipment. You need to have a rod, reel, line, hooks, and bait. The cost of these items varies depending on the quality and brand. A beginner can expect to spend around $100 on a basic fishing set, while a professional may spend over $1,000 on high-end equipment.


Consider buying used equipment to save money. You can find great deals on websites like eBay and Craigslist.

Fishing License

In most states, you need a fishing license to fish legally. The cost of a fishing license varies depending on the state and the type of license you need. A basic license for freshwater fishing can cost around $20, while a saltwater license can cost over $100.


Check with your state's fish and wildlife department to find out the cost of a fishing license in your area.

Transportation Costs

If you don't have a boat, you'll need to consider transportation costs. This includes the cost of gas, parking, and any tolls you may encounter on your way to the fishing spot. These costs can add up quickly, especially if you plan to fish frequently.


Consider carpooling with friends or family members to save on transportation costs.

Clothing and Accessories

You'll need appropriate clothing and accessories for fishing, including a hat, sunglasses, and comfortable shoes. You may also need a fishing vest, waders, or rain gear, depending on the type of fishing you plan to do. The cost of these items can vary, but you can expect to spend between $50 to $200.


Look for sales and discounts on fishing clothing and accessories.

Guided Fishing Trips

If you're new to fishing or want to explore new fishing spots, you may want to consider a guided fishing trip. These trips can be expensive, with prices ranging from a few hundred dollars to over $1,000. However, they can be a great way to learn new techniques and catch more fish.


Consider booking a guided fishing trip during the off-season when prices may be lower.

Fishing Lodging

If you're planning a fishing trip that requires an overnight stay, you'll need to consider the cost of lodging. This can include the cost of a hotel room, rental cabin, or camping gear. The cost of lodging varies depending on the location and the type of accommodation you choose.


Consider camping or renting a cabin to save money on lodging.

Bait and Lures

You'll need bait and lures to attract fish. The cost of these items can vary depending on the type and quality. Live bait is typically more expensive than artificial lures, and some lures can cost over $20 each.


Consider making your own lures to save money.

Storage and Maintenance

If you plan to fish frequently, you'll need to consider the cost of storing and maintaining your equipment. This includes cleaning your gear after each trip, replacing worn-out parts, and storing your equipment in a safe and secure location. The cost of storage and maintenance can add up over time.


Consider storing your equipment in a garage or shed to save money on storage costs.


Fishing can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but it does come with initial costs. By considering the costs outlined in this article, you can budget accordingly and make informed decisions about your fishing hobby. Remember, you don't need to buy the most expensive equipment to enjoy fishing. With a little research and creativity, you can save money and still have a great time on the water.

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